Shop and save with flexible rewards - choose a Voucher or discount percentage.

Purchase and gather.
Buy you favourite designer clothes as usual but as you shop collect 4 points for every £1 you spend. You can earn extra points by following us on Instagram (200 points) or Facebook (200 points) or telling us your birthday (200 points) and best of all by sharing fashion’s best kept secret and referring a friend you earn 2000 points!. Shhh – you did not hear this from us, but you can tell as many friends as you like.

Watch the points build up as your enviable wardrobe grows. You can check your rewards by visiting us in store or online by clicking here:
Open the rewards panel.
Spend your points.
Want to know what makes this Keyholder account even better? You choose how you spend your reward. For every 500 points you will get a £5 voucher or save up 2500 points for a 10% discount. And that's just the beginning! The rewards get greater and greater the more you save.
Terms & Conditions
The Robert Goddard Keyholder Loyalty scheme is operated by Robert Goddard Limited. Registered in England & Wales: company no. 6530796. To get the latest terms and conditions or for general enquiries please call customer service on 0800 612 6044 or email·
Robert Goddard Ltd can cancel, withdraw or alter the scheme at any time, including these terms and conditions or any individual Keyholder account.
· All Robert Goddard Keyholder Cards belong to Robert Goddard.
· The Robert Goddard Keyholder Card scheme is only valid in UK Robert Goddard stores and at
· We do not issue additional cards for the same account.
· The Card scheme is for personal use only; business use is strictly prohibited and constitutes abuse. Robert Goddard reserves the right, at point of purchase or retrospectively, to determine whether a transaction constitutes business usage.
· Robert Goddard can take any action it considers appropriate, including removing or suspending a Robert Goddard Keyholder Card account and points accrued if we have reason to believe you are abusing the scheme or associated clubs and offers.
· Use of additional offers and benefits associated with your Robert Goddard Keyholder Card account are subject to store and online network availability.
· Robert Goddard will remove Robert Goddard Keyholder Card points from registered Robert Goddard Keyholder Card accounts that haven't been used for two years or have been closed.
· All physical plastic Keyholder Cards should be registered with Robert Goddard . After one year, Robert Goddard will remove the Robert Goddard Keyholder Card points on unregistered cards.
To benefit from the Robert Goddard Keyholder Card scheme you must be a United Kingdom resident aged 16 years or over. Robert Goddard will not communicate with a customer until an appropriate age of consent is reached.